Installation Guides

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A/B Testing Script


Do you have your tracking code installed? Please add your tracking code below to the header of your website.

Important: Make sure to add this script to both your test page AND your conversion event page (e.g., if testing homepage and measuring clicks to pricing page, add to both pages).

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

How to install on Framer

Follow the interactive guide below to install Keak on your framer website.

Content Flicker Script


Is the variation your testing shown immediately to users? In this case it's recommend you add this script to prevent content flickering on your website. If the variation is shown further down the page you don't need to add this script.

<style>.async-hide { opacity: 0 !important; background: white !important;} </style> <script> (function(KEAK, K, E, A, K_, H, I, D, E_) { K.className += ' ' + E; H.start = 1 * new Date; H.end = I = function() { K.className = K.className.replace(RegExp(' ?' + E), ''); }; (KEAK[A] = KEAK[A] || []).hide = H; setTimeout(function() { I(); H.end = null; }, K_); H.timeout = K_; })(window, document.documentElement, 'async-hide', 'dataLayer', 800, { 'CONTAINER_ID': true }); </script>
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